I like to check out superdrugs very own Benefit copy cats, the brand 'Me Me Me' every time I'm walking poast just for abit of market research. On my latest trip I was pretty stunned to see they have taken the copying another step further with their own box'o'powders, the boxes of blush Benefit is well known for.

well....... not to disrespect my roots but the colours were fasinating! Shown below in a not very clear photo, (from the top) Pink, a MEGA electric pink shade, Rouge, was the prettiest coral/plumy tone, gold... which explains itself and coral... a unbelievable bright orange!!!
A little part of me actually wants to buy the coral colour just out of curiousity of what a bright orange blusher looks like! (watch this space)

Unfortunatly I have to say... pretty awsome colours, in a very 'familiar' packaging and they feel like a beautiful texture!