I have tried my very hardest to save money but today I feel off the band wagon :-P and I had abit of a cosemetic frenzy!
I bought the two brand new Sleek palettes that I've been waiting for all week! They are called 'good girl' and 'bad girl' (£5.99)! Bad girl is defiantly more my kind of thing because it’s all greys and black whereas I'm pretty sure I'll probably never even wear the good girl pink palette haha! I just had to have both! I did read somewhere that the good girl palette makes a great blushes though. I would recommend the Bad Girl palette for anyone who wanted to create a great smoky eye because all the colours work great with each other.

I bought Barry M's brand new instant nail effect varnish in black (£3.95, varnishes on 2 for £5 in Boots at the moment). These product is SOOOOO weird, its a black top coat that when it dries splits and dries with a matte, streaked effect, which you can see in this photo! It has to be put over the top of nail varnish but it looks AWESOME and will be amazing for Halloween! 10/10!

I finally went to have my hair cut for the first time in about 4 years :-S... scary! I went to a new salon in Derby called Allure, its opposite Queen St swimming baths. My hair was cut by Jay and I think he did a fab job and I would highly recommend him, he didn’t take too much off the length which was my biggest fear because hair dresser often don’t listen to a word you say..... and check out this awesome blow dry (chezza eat your heart out!). I was convinced the art of the blow dry died when they invented GHDs but he’s still got it!

I also bought the most AMAZINGLY funny Halloween costume but that will be saved for after the big night!
so u were trying to save money and then spend like what 20, 30 pounds. smooth. btw i will happily take that baby girl one off ur hands since u taken back the acid one (lameo) and tht nail varnish is epic.